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Jilin province of China wants to bring its products to the Azerbaijani market

Jilin Province Of China Wants To Bring Its Products To The Azerbaijani Market

A delegation led by Chen Hunga, vice-president of the Jilin Trade Office for China International Trade Promotion, visited the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Providing information about the province located in the north-west of China on the border with North Korea, H. Honggan said that according to the data of 2014, the state’s share in the country’s GDP is 1528 billion yuan (407 million AZN). He said that Azerbaijan is located at the junction of Europe and Central Asia, adding that this geography is the main transit route for the “one belt, one road” project.

“Jilin is the largest wheat producer in China. The main areas of the state are automobile, food, petrochemical and medical industries. We have come to Azerbaijan to develop our economic and trade relations and strengthen our cooperation with countries located on the “one belt, one way” route with the facilities

of our province within the framework of “a belt, a road” initiative. In Azerbaijan, the population is small, there are huge land resources, and your country has a good base for the development of agriculture and tourism. However, there is a great need for infrastructure and industrialization. In our province, at the same time cheap quality equipment is produced, and it can contribute to meeting this demand, ” he said.

He noted that the committee represented by the government and enterprises representatives and famous people. The main task of the Committee is to promote co-operation among enterprises and to export their production to the world markets.

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