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First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva addressed to the people of Azerbaijan

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First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva Addressed To The People Of Azerbaijan

First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva addressed to the people of Azerbaijan about the spreading of coronavirus epidemic in the country.

The address posted on and it says:

“Dear compatriots!

Our homeland, our common home, is in trouble. Unfortunately, the epidemic of insidious disease did not pass our country.

It seems that there is not a single country on the planet where the pandemic has not spread. Many countries are forced to isolate themselves from the outside world. The number of people infected with the virus is rapidly approaching one million, and tens of thousands have already died! I do not think that mankind has encountered such a dangerous and large-scale epidemic since the Middle Ages.

The pandemic is changing our daily lives. It makes us spend our day in excitement and fear. Many people ask the same questions: “Is everything really so serious?”, “What awaits us, how will we end?”. And the main question is: “When will the epidemic end?” What should each of us do to end this “terrible event” quickly?

The answers to these questions are not easy, they are difficult, but there are answers. First of all, we must all unconditionally accept that the situation is very serious and requires each of us, our citizens of all ages, to show maximum solidarity and unity.

COVID-19 is a serious threat to the life and health of each of us. Together with you, I pray to God to protect our homeland and keep this trouble away from our homes and families! I believe and hope that human intelligence will prevent the pandemic and return us to the happiness of our daily lives!

The current emergency situation requires nationwide mobilization. All possible financial resources of our state are aimed at eliminating the epidemic and its consequences. The best scientists of our country, our medical workers, the whole state mechanism are working for the salvation of people. Large-scale work is being done to overcome the epidemic.

For the mass production of the required medical supplies, large enterprises are rapidly changing production areas. Our hospitals and clinics are expanding their capabilities every day, and all resources are being mobilized to create new hospital wards that can accommodate those in need of treatment.

Life support facilities operate continuously in cities and settlements. Law enforcement agencies and rescue services, which ensure public order and are ready to help at any time to perform their duties properly. The servicemen guarding the country’s borders maintain a high level of fighting spirit.

As for our medical workers – doctors, nurses, health workers – they exaggerate almost every day as an example of professionalism and a true citizen. All the work is done in the country under the special attention of the President of Azerbaijan, and under his resolute leadership with full 24-hour control!

I believe that the titanic efforts of governments and scientists, the billions of dollars, euros and manats devoted to the fight against the coronavirus, will definitely and inevitably lead to the desired result, our overall victory over the epidemic.

If we do not support the measures taken and the work done, if we do not strictly follow the clear instructions, the efforts may not yield the expected results.

Dear compatriots, my relatives!

I address you as a child, a wife, a mother and a grandmother! I hope you will understand me when you hear these words from my heart and addressed to each of you! Please accept this as an absolute necessity and duty – EVERYONE SHOULD STAY HOME FOR THE NEXT 20 DAYS. TOGETHER WITH YOUR FAMILIES. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE YOUR HOME WITHOUT AN IMPORTANT NEED!

These days, we have citizens who can not comply with the quarantine regime. Thousands of our compatriots are at work and do their best so that the majority of our citizens can protect themselves, stay at home and follow the quarantine regime.

Today, we are most grateful to those who are at the forefront of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. How seriously and effectively we must follow these rules. Because our brothers and sisters who are struggling with the epidemic can return to their normal lives and to their families as soon as possible.

I understand how difficult it is to give up the daily routine and not leave the house, not to meet relatives and friends, and sometimes to be deprived of the opportunity to embrace their children and grandchildren.

But if we are responsible citizens, if we really love our parents (and I’m sure of it!), If we really know the value of our children and grandchildren, we have a duty to do it for them! For ourselves! For the sake of our homeland!

The tragic experience of several countries has already shown humanity how to formulate the basic principle of survival during a coronavirus pandemic. This principle is dramatically simple and unambiguous: either the people must follow the rules and instructions of the quarantine regime and survive together, or they ignore the recommendations and cause numerous casualties.

The negligence of just one person can lead to the death of dozens of innocent people. I have already written that because COVID-19 is a new, hitherto unknown virus, the recommendations of the World Health Organization are situational. They change as data from around the world is analyzed.

Thus, the latest statement of the WHO confirms the fact that the virus affects people of different ages, and even poses a real threat to young people. Deaths of children infected with the coronavirus have already been reported.

That is why each of us must unequivocally understand the importance of the measures taken by the state and demonstrate maximum civic responsibility.

By supporting each other with care, patience and understanding, we can overcome this terrible ordeal and protect each other for life after the victory over the coronavirus. This victory will definitely happen! I believe in this victory! TAKE CARE of YOURSELVES! I LOVE YOU! I BELIEVE IN YOU!

With my prays to each of you,


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