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A conference on “Mutual trust in consumer and entrepreneurial relations” was held

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A Conference On “Mutual Trust In Consumer And Entrepreneurial Relations” Was Held

In recent years, systematic work at the state level to develop state-entrepreneur relations, eliminate illegal interference and artificial barriers to entrepreneurship activities, the formation of consumer-entrepreneur relations on the basis of civil rules has given rise to the positive alterations in this area. March 15 – On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day, the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy held an event on “Mutual trust in consumer-entrepreneur relations” in a video conference format.

The Board of the Civil Service, Acting Chief Sahib Mammadov identified priority areas of socio-economic policy of consumer rights’ protection, complex measures have been implemented in this direction, regular monitoring of the consumer market, supervision over the goods found in the deviations in quality and safety indicators have been further strengthened and enlightenment activities have been carried out.

President of the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation Mammad Musayev emphasized that the share of entrepreneurs in providing the consumer market with relevant goods and services is high, in this regard, it has been noted that the significance of proper establishment and regulation of state, entrepreneur and consumer relations in the general state of the market. “It is not coincidence that today the assessment of consumer satisfaction is a key indicator for business people. If an entrepreneur receives the most transparent information on his product directly from the consumer, it means that he can see the direction of its development more clearly” – Musayev said.

Representatives of government agencies, public organizations and ownership entities noted the positive changes in the quality of goods and services in the consumer market in recent years in the field of consumer protection, and voiced their proposals in this direction.

The event highlighted the importance of mutual trust in consumer-entrepreneur relations, and exchanged views on more effective protection of consumer rights.

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