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“Sustainable Agriculture Forum” to be held in Azerbaijan was discussed

“Sustainable Agriculture Forum” To Be Held In Azerbaijan Was Discussed

Within the framework of the “Investment in the digital economy forum ” held in Amman, the capital of Jordan, the delegation of the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation met with the Secretary General of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development, Mr. Yousef Khalawi. At the meeting, the relations between the organizations and relevant technical issues for holding the “Sustainable Agriculture Forum” in Azerbaijan on an annual basis were discussed.

Opinions were exchanged on the potential of holding the mentioned forum to expand relations between the member countries of the organization, especially attracting investments to the agricultural sector of Azerbaijan and exporting the products produced in our country to the markets of the member countries of the organization.

At the same time, the possibilities of exporting the products of the member countries of the organization to Caucasus and CIS countries using the logistics facilities of Azerbaijan were analyzed at the forum.

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