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A meeting was held with entrepreneurs on “Presentation of the DOST inspector project”

A Meeting Was Held With Entrepreneurs On “Presentation Of The DOST Inspector Project”

On July 5, a meeting with entrepreneurs was held under the joint organization of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population and the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation on “Regulation of labor and employment relations, presentation of the “DOST” inspector project.” At the meeting, the works carried out in the field of obtaining work permits for the employees of companies operating in the territories freed from occupation were discussed, and the innovations of the “Labor and Employment” subsystem (ƏMAS) were presented.

At the event, the president of Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation, Mammad Musayev, mentioned that the number of applicants to engage in business activities in our territories freed from occupation is increasing every day. He emphasized the special role of the private sector in ensuring the employment of the population returning to their lands under the Great Return Program, and invited businessmen to take advantage of the opportunities of the new e-platform created within the framework of the public-private dialogue.

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Anar Aliyev noted the reforms carried out in the fields of labor and employment in recent years, active cooperation with the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a social partner in the process of these reforms. He drew attention to the steps taken in the direction of expansion of active employment programs, the work done in the field of ensuring the employment of residents relocated to our territories freed from occupation, and the importance of social partnership with private sector employers in these areas. A. Aliyev noted the success achieved in the direction of electronicization of labor relations and employment services. He highlighted the importance of the new “DOST Inspector” project for employers, that it enables the transfer of all relations in the field of labor to the e-platform.

The head of the State Labor Inspection Service under the Ministry, Vali Guliyev, drew attention to the measures taken in the field of implementation of state control over compliance with labor legislation, violations of workers’ labor rights, and prevention of informal employment. He noted the continuous educational work of the Service for employers and workers in our territories freed from occupation regarding labor legislation and labor protection.

He said that the Service conducts monthly monitoring of the “Entry Information System to the Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur Economic Regions” and takes appropriate measures. ƏMAS is constantly being improved for the correct application of labor legislation by employers, timely prevention of a number of risks and potential violations. Employers are regularly trained online and offline about the innovations implemented in ƏMAS, as well as the suggestions of employers regarding the improvement of ƏMAS are promptly considered and kept in mind.

The Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency under the Ministry, Sadig Aliyev, informed about the programs implemented in the field of increasing the employment opportunities of the population. He noted that since 2018, 570,000 people have been provided with suitable jobs, and 30,000 people have been involved in vocational training. Only in 6 months of this year, 8.5 thousand people were involved in vocational training. S. Aliyev also drew attention to the employment measures implemented in our territories freed from occupation and said that the employment of 2,500 people who returned to those areas has already been provided, and work is being done to ensure the employment of remaining 790 people.

Elnur Safarli, Chairman of the Board of the National Observatory on Labor Market and Social Protection Issues subordinated to the Ministry, informed the event participants about the importance of the “DOST Inspector” project. He said that within the framework of the project, the current state of labor relations and human resources in enterprises is evaluated in detail, training and consultations are organized in relevant directions. The purpose of the project is to support employers in the correct application of labor legislation in workplaces, in establishing labor relations in accordance with the law. The project also helps enterprises to assess the state of application of the requirements of the labor legislation, to organize labor protection according to the standards.

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