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The next meeting of the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Business Council was held

The Next Meeting Of The Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Business Council Was Held

On May 21, the next meeting of the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Business Council was held within the framework of the II Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Interregional Forum in Guba.

The President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Mammad Musayev, the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Umid Pazilkhanov and a total of 22 members of the Business Council from both sides attended the meeting.

Opening the event, the President of the Confederation gave extensive information about the successful economic and social reforms carried out by the country’s president, Ilham Aliyev. He noted that there are strong friendly relations between the heads of state of both countries and emphasized that the economic indicators show a growth trend.

Mr. Umid Pazilkhanov, Deputy chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, noted that the socio-economic cooperation between the two countries is getting stronger day by day.

Mr. U. Pazilkhanov suggested the next meeting of the Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Business Council to be held in Uzbekistan in August of this year.

Later, Aygun Akbarova, head of procurement of investment projects of “Matanat-A”, Mirziyod Yunusov, chairman of Uzeltexsanoat Union, Kamran Habibov, chairman of Azerbaijan Transport Forwarding Companies Association, Jeyhun Ashurov, chairman of Azerbaijan Tourism Professionals Organization, made speeches.

The speakers discussed the prospects of mutual cooperation in the field of tourism, cooperation in the field of agriculture, production, investment opportunities in the regions of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

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