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Agrarian Business Festival was held in Yardimli

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Agrarian Business Festival Was Held In Yardimli

Agrarian business festivals organized by the agrarian Innovation Center of the Ministry of Agriculture continue. The next festival took place in Yardimli district.

Farmers from Yardimli, Lerik, Astara, Lankaran and Masalli regions participated in the Agrarian Business Festival held under the Ministry of economy in partnership with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan, consumer goods Expertise Center and Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation. Hundreds of farmers got acquainted with innovations in agriculture at the festival held at the Yardimli Heydar Aliyev Center. State agencies participating in the festival made presentations on their services and responded to farmers ‘ inquiries.

Various fertilizers and pesticides, machinery and aggregates, new technologies were demonstrated at the festival. Within the framework of the event, various products were put up for sale by companies engaged in the procurement and supply of agricultural products, as well as female members of the Association of Rural Women of Azerbaijan demonstrated and sold their products.

In accordance with the priorities of the COP29 event, alternative energy facilities, ecological products, seeds and products of local fruits and vegetables resistant to climate change were exhibited at the festival.

Companies specialized in agriculture in determining the agrarian potential and prospects of the region and developing agricultural areas suitable for the region shared their successful experiences, as well as information on innovative technologies applied in their farms with farmers. Farmers were trained by agronomists of private companies at the festival.  After the presentation, the farmers’ questions were answered by experts.

It should be noted that the Agrarian Business Festival held in Yardimli district is the 12th festival organized in the current year. At the festivals, which bring together the parties involved in the development of agribusiness, conditions have been created for farmer-entrepreneurs to benefit more from financial support and state benefits.

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