Technical Committee was established, to which ASK joined

On the initiative of the public legal entity “Azerbaijan Standardization Institute” under the State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control of the Ministry of Economy Technical Committee for Labor Safety Standardization (AZSTAND / TK 21) was established jointly with the State Labor Inspection Service under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
AZSTAND / TK 21 includes the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Oil Company of the Republic Azerbaijan (SOCAR), the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation.
The composition of the Technical Committee may include relevant executive authorities, scientific organizations, entrepreneurs, public associations, commercial and non-commercial organizations on the basis of equality and voluntariness.
The Technical Committee is a joint consultative body established to develop state, regional, interstate and international standards. The Technical Committee was established to develop national standards that meet modern requirements in the field of labor and profession, to conduct expertise, to analyze the updating and further use of existing standards, as well as to participate in the work of relevant international and intergovernmental organizations.