A meeting of the Presidium of Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation was held

On August 5, online video conference meeting of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation was held. During the meeting heard a report on the work done by the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation in the first half of 2020, as well as discussed issues of concern to entrepreneurs.
The meeting was chaired by the President of the Azerbaijan Entrepreneurs Confederation Mammad Musayev. At the opening of the meeting, M.Musayev noted that flexible and necessary preventive steps had been taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Azerbaijan at the initiative and under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev. M.Musayev also stressed that economic growth and incentives for entrepreneurship made by the government during the pandemic were highly valued by entrepreneurs.
Kristina Mammadova, Acting Secretary General of the Confederation, said that the ASK continues its activities within the quarantine rules in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and informed about the main content of appeals and proposals received by entrepreneurs and new members admitted to the ASK in the first half of this year. Farid Valizadeh, Senior Advisor to the President of the Confederation, reported to the Presidium on the meetings held with entrepreneurs during the pandemic, the main topics discussed and the activities of the Cooperation Councils between government agencies and the ASK. Bahruz Karimov, Deputy Secretary General presented the financial report of the Confederation.
Then, entrepreneurs discussed ways to expand their business during the quarantine period. Abdolbari Goozal, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Azersun Holding, praised the work done by the President Ilham Aliyev to address the water shortage and said that entrepreneurs should also take an active part in this work. A.Goozal also stressed the importance of increasing local production in order to create new jobs and provide employment.
Vugar Abbasov, ASK Vice President raised the issue of financial accessibility. It was proposed to make changes in the legislation to support local production and to make these changes flexible, to deepen the public-private dialogue.
Sakina Babayeva, a member of the Presidium, informed about the recent activities of women entrepreneurs working in the education and tourism sectors.
Entrepreneurs expressed their support for the policy of the President Ilham Aliyev and thanked the entrepreneurs for the state assistance. At the same time, they asked the business to continue operating under strict quarantine rules.
At the end of the video conference, the ASK Presidium decided to submit the collected proposals to a meeting chaired by Mikayil Jabbarov, the Minister of Economy.