ASK appealed to the Azerbaijan public

As it is known, the Armenian vandals once again proved their aggressive policy by resorting to another provocation. Thus, starting from noon on July 12, the Armenian armed forces violated the ceasefire in Tovuz region of the Azerbaijan-Armenian border, fired at our positions using artillery and tried to attack.
As a result of an unexpected blow of the enemy, 11 soldiers of the Azerbaijani army were martyred heroically in this battle. Among them were Major General Polad Hashimov and Colonel Ilgar Mirzayev, distinguished by their bravery and experienced combat missions, deeply shook the Azerbaijani public as well as the entire country. On behalf of the entrepreneurs, we ask God to bless our heroic martyrs, and we express our deepest condolences to their relatives.
Of course, as a result of adequate measures of our army, the enemy received the necessary response. But the hated neighbor does not want to give up his hatred. The Azerbaijani Army heroically prevents this intention of the enemy. The Armenians, who were forced to retreat by counterattack and blows, suffered heavy casualties and military equipment.
First of all, this event once again demonstrated the known truths to the whole world. Thus, the international community has once again seen that Azerbaijan is capable of crushing Armenia at any moment.
In this regard, speaking at a meeting of the Security Council chaired by President Ilham Aliyev on July 13, the head of state said, “Our work is a matter of justice and Azerbaijan will not take a step back from its principled position.”
It was noted at the meeting of the Security Council that the next provocation of Armenia was resolutely prevented and adequately responded to. All the efforts of the Armenian side failed, Azerbaijan protected its state border and Armenian soldiers could not cross even an inch of Azerbaijani territory.
Engaging in these ugly acts is a manifestation of their aggressive policy. It is impossible to explain this policy logically. Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the fact that its occupied territories remain in this state, it will do its best to restore its territorial integrity.
As it is known, the internal situation in Armenia has already reached the point of crisis, and at the same time, they are very concerned about the recent international successes of our country. In particular, our successful activities with international organizations, recent statements by all leading international organizations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, decisions taken, support for the territorial integrity of our country, of course, deal a serious blow to Armenia’s position on the conflict.
Another reason for this provocation is that Azerbaijan has recently achieved great success in the international arena. At the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev, summits of international organizations, the initiative to hold the UN General Assembly was supported by more than 130 countries, and Armenia once again disgraced itself by opposing this initiative.
Today, at a time when the world is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, Armenia is trying to attract the attention of the world with its ugly and incomprehensible policy.
As a result of the far-sighted and well-thought-out policy of President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan has become an interesting and cooperative country for the world, and the interests of the world community coincide with the interests of Azerbaijan.
As it is known, on July 14, 2020, mass events in support of the Azerbaijani army were held in the country in connection with the servicemen killed as a result of Armenian provocation on the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.
However, some anti-Azerbaijani forces took advantage of this situation and tried to commit a number of illegal actions. As a result of vigilance of law enforcement agencies, these illegal actions were resolutely prevented.
Recently, the Confederation has received a large number of applications from entrepreneurs. All our entrepreneurs expressed their support for our state, our army and our heroic soldiers.
Azerbaijani entrepreneurs like the policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev and have always expressed their readiness to support any steps taken under his leadership. At a time when our army is responding appropriately to the enemy, we must be especially careful.
The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan appeals to all Azerbaijani people, including entrepreneurs, not to forget for a moment the serious threat posed by the coronavirus pandemic, to avoid gatherings that increase the risk of infection, and to follow the rules of isolation.
We believe that by understanding this appeal, you will comply with the requirements of the special quarantine regime and take care of the health of yourself and your loved ones.
We, as the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan, believe that despite the difficult days of the coronavirus pandemic and the Armenian provocation, we will achieve new economic successes under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, and we are confident that We will mobilize all our forces to further increase its prestige in the world, we will do our best to make our country more prosperous and improve the welfare of the population by taking advantage of the favorable business environment.
Mammad Musayev
President of the The National Confederation
of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations
of the Republic of Azerbaijan