Awareness-raising campaign continues as part of the response to the pandemic

As previously reported, the social campaign in support of measures on educating the citizens about the methods of prevention of spread of coronavirus infection is being held at the initiative of the Ministry of Economy and organized by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency, with the support of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan and private sector (“Matanat A”, Neftchala Automobile Plant, and “A.M.O.” LLC).
Note that as part of the events held in the cities of Sumgayit and Khirdalan, in the Lokbatan village of the Garadagh region, Masalli, Lankaran, Astara, Neftchala regions, friends and volunteers of SMEs held educational talks about the rules of a special quarantine regime with the citizens walking in parks located near shopping centers and service facilities. Around 9,000 medical masks were distributed to the citizens.
The action will continue on July 28-29 in Mingachevir and Aghstafa regions.
The informative campaign within the framework of public-private cooperation will continue in July-August and will cover about 20 cities and regions of the country.