Statement on Armenia`s terrorist attack in Ganja

Dear representatives,
Let me bring to your kind attention with a deep concern that on October 11, 2020, the Armenian Military Forces fired rockets from its terrirtory at the second largest city of Azerbaijan, Ganja that’s situated in more than 100 km distance from the frontline. As a result, a residential building was completely destroyed, 9 people died, 34 people, including 16 women and 6 minors, were injured, and more than 10 apartment buildings and 100 different facilities were damaged. The purposeful targeting of Azerbaijani civilians and infrastructure by Armenia in Ganja is a flagrant case of the policy of vandalism and terror by Armenia against the Azerbaijani civilian population during last 30 years.
In this regard we would like to brief that the military aggression of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan started in 1991 after dissolution of USSR when the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the sovereign Repiblic of Azerbaijan and 7 surrounding districts around Nagorno-Karabakh (Kalbajar, Lachin, Gubadli, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Aghdam and Fizuli) occupied by Armenian, that are some times wrongly considered as disputed territories. Since according to UN resolutions (822, 853, 874, 884), as well as the norms and principles of international law, including the Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975), these territories are historical and internationally recognized territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In the framework of Armenia’s new aggression acts against the Republic of Azerbaijan the armed forces of Armenia are deliberately targeting the civilian population and the relevant infrastructure of Azerbaijan in violation of fundamental, jus cogens norms of international law, including international humanitarian law (the Geneva Conventions on standards for humanitarian treatment in war etc.).
As a result of Armenia’s last artillery and missile attacks, 51 Azerbaijani civilians were killed, 200 injured, more than 300 residential buildings and civilian objects destroyed.
Missile attacks on Azerbaijan’s second biggest city Ganja, industrial city of Mingachevir, as well as the Khizi and Absheron regions of Azerbaijan, targeting densely populated areas and critical infrastructure from the territory of Armenia is an intentional provocation designed to enlarge its zone of intervention and involve other geopolitical regional players to get support for its occupation activities.
The Republic of Azerbaijan disposes of solid basis of facts on Armenia’s international crimes consisting of shelling the Azerbaijani civilians and infrastructure from its own territory, namely from Gorus, Sisian, Vardenis, Jermuk, and Berd towns of Armenia.
The evidences collected with the participation of local and international experts, including the foreign journalists on the ground, will be presented to the relevant international organizations and courts of justice.
We call international community and all our international partners to condemn the mentioned illegal actions of the Armenian Military Forces and to enforce it to peace and norms, principles of international law, including its obligations under the international humanitarian law, and implement the demands of the UN Security Council resolutions for immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal оf Armenian Military Forces from the occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ASK) would like to take this opportunity to renew to You the assurances of its highest consideration.
Mammad Musayev