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Ziya Hajili
Secretary General
(+994 12) 465 76 92
Bahruz Karimov
Deputy Secretary General
Head of Finance and Procurement Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (122)
Narmin Ganiyeva
Deputy Secretary General
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (111)
Fuad Humbatov
Deputy Secretary General
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (110)
İlhama Abdullayeva
PR Manager
Head of Public Relations Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (118)
Fargana Hasanova
Deputy Head of Department, Chief Accountant
Finance and Procurement Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (120)
Taleh Sadigov
Deputy Head of Department
Public Relations Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (116)
Amil Babayev
Leading specialist of human resources
Legal and Social Partnership Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (112)
Gulgun Isayeva
Leading Specialist
Entrepreneurs Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (117)
Kristina Dushina
Public Relations Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92
Nurlana Hasanova
Senior Specialist
Entrepreneurs Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (119)
Ulviyya Kazimova
Leading Specialist
Legal and Social Partnership Department
(+994 12) 465 76 92 (101)
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